niedziela, 31 sierpnia 2008


Yoo everyone:DDD
Tomarrow is starting school, lol 2 month, when this time pass_^_
lolXP, ok tomarrow i will meet with MArta, Estera and Evelina at 8.30 beside tram station^^
lol and i don't know whot i can wear_^_ ba i'm thinking about loose black blouse,
under it os course i wear white shirt and my green school tie^^

but don't know what etceteras and bag i can wear_^_ ehhhxP
lol and tomarrow i will got my diplomaXDDDDD
ehhh and the worst think about school_^_, for 2 septembe i must read book"potop"
how i can read this book so quick??????_^_, and i was thinking that i have this movie but noT.T
im realy dead!!!T....T
ehhhhhhhhh btwxP
i was met with Asha and treeXP
and again btwxP
meeting was realy good, and i was don;t see Asha for so long time^^, first hour i m was alone with Asha, then we was talking about everythinkxP, fashion, treeXP , Agata, and her vacations!!
baa she was in Greece and she was met a cool guyXP, lol i'm jealous!!!!!!XP
and some photosxD

heheheh i before meetingXP

lol i think that i look little weird^^;

lol what is so fuuny??XDDDD

waaaaaaaaaaa scary!!!!XP
scary tree in swim suitxP
buhahah i love us faceXP

lol now we are thinking about reay hot guy*o*
i love my weird faceXD

kyaa isn't we're cute^.^??

and i was uploud some korean new albums^..^
lonks are from my polish pageXD


Shinee- The Shinee World

Shin Hye Sung

Shin He Sung- Side 1:Live and let live



J Electro Project

środa, 27 sierpnia 2008

i pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey everyone^.^
today i was pass exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^.........^
i feel realy greatxD
btw i was pass math!!!11, i can't believe in thisXD, all week was studing, and im realy tired
lol now i can watching perfomance and download some albums.
and about performance
i watched yesterday shinee i Seo, that was awesomeXD
lol and before i watched it 3 time, i saw that girl in chair , its not a real Seo but another girl with maskXD
btw guys was realy awesome, i love his songs, and i'm so happy about that the singing somethink new!!!!, but this girl Seo, she have good voice but, in this perf she was mmm not so good^^"
but its okxDlol
eh i will be have good week:D
i think so^^:
and tomarrow i will go with my friend Asia somewhere, and when we always going somwhere
is realy funnyXD
and in friday im going with another friend , to pizzaXD buahah and like always i will do a lot photos!!!!XD
ut today i don't have any photos_^_
ehhhhhXD only in my call phone:D

lol i'm going now
and i will be write somethink tomarrow:D
bye bye:D

wtorek, 19 sierpnia 2008

kya 1 post and I;P

Ohayou mina

heheh it's my first blog!!!!!! i;m realy scary about it, cuz it's my first time when i writing somethink in english>o< style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">

its my firs post and i want write somethink about me

Ehh but what??TT..TT
Ok my name is WEronika, i have 17 year and i'm from Poland
i;m live in Warsaw ^..^

i like Music ~~

Big Bang

i love this band*---*
lol and realy fuuny its that 3 month ago i was hate theirs^^,lol but someday i don;t know whow
i was saw their perfomace*---*
and was fall for hic bang:D
heheh and i he most love Dae*o*
he is realy cute, ba and he have so gorgeos voice*-------* and we have bday in the same day O(o^-^o)O its destiny ne??^.^


Kat-tun its my frst band from JE, i listenin this band mmmm 2 year?
and i hink that a will be love kat-tun forever*o*
i love everyone guysxDDD, and i think that without one person ka-tun can't be kat-tun_^_


hhahah and my lovely NEWS:333333
i realy like their, but i can't look at their pv kibou-yell, omg i love them but in this pv they look soo bad>o<, how someone can tell to good looking guys to wear jacket and pant in flowerO.o o my god its terrible!!!!


I like a lot bands, but i'm too lazy , and i won't write everythink^^ then i only write name's of my little stras^.^ dozo:D; Shinee,smash,youhna,kisumai,abc,arashi,Miyavi,,fahrenheit,she,alan kuo,nicholas teo,Ajoo,dbsk,super junior,epik high, ft island, one ok rock,wat

i like dramas and movies;33

hahah i realy lile asian drama and moviesXDD
i think that if i was in japan or korea, i would all time watch tvxD
ii watched a lot drama , eh and i love them, movies too,*o*

i lile fashion

ok now is fashion, i life for fashion, i love fashion, eh but fashion don't love me because
i'm fat_^_, btw fashion its for me is realy inportant, ehhhh, when i was young i wanted be a
buahahah maybe i will be in future a famous fashion designer*-*

others thinks what i like

hahah but i like too mmm what i likeXDD,
i like ice cream, oh i like eat sweets, swiming,dancing, signing,painting,
mmm sleep,looking in mirrorXDDDDD
i like meeting with friend, i love do photos*o*, shoping, a love shoping*o*

mmm what can i write too??XP
in my blog will be a lot photos, made by me, or some photos from internet^.^
i will give some thinks to download, dramas,movies, music,pv,cocnerts^^
but everythink in mediafire!!!!!!XD
lol and i hope that u will be like my blog^^
now im going, i must learn because i have i nex week examO.o

bye bye