środa, 27 sierpnia 2008

i pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey everyone^.^
today i was pass exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^.........^
i feel realy greatxD
btw i was pass math!!!11, i can't believe in thisXD, all week was studing, and im realy tired
lol now i can watching perfomance and download some albums.
and about performance
i watched yesterday shinee i Seo, that was awesomeXD
lol and before i watched it 3 time, i saw that girl in chair , its not a real Seo but another girl with maskXD
btw guys was realy awesome, i love his songs, and i'm so happy about that the singing somethink new!!!!, but this girl Seo, she have good voice but, in this perf she was mmm not so good^^"
but its okxDlol
eh i will be have good week:D
i think so^^:
and tomarrow i will go with my friend Asia somewhere, and when we always going somwhere
is realy funnyXD
and in friday im going with another friend , to pizzaXD buahah and like always i will do a lot photos!!!!XD
ut today i don't have any photos_^_
ehhhhhXD only in my call phone:D

lol i'm going now
and i will be write somethink tomarrow:D
bye bye:D

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